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  • Email Address:
  • Location: Australia


Why Kookaburra:
I suspect there is some connection between a Kookaburra 'laughing' and my writing. Suggestions that perhaps I am also a 'laughing jackass' are not appreciated :-) See

About me:
I was born at an early age ... now happily married with 3 kids.

A lot happened in between.

I have worked in Information Technology in mainly marketing roles since 1985.

I have geekish tendencies but I am not sure I qualify as a full geek. For example, I can only code really simple stuff and am usually much better off hacking someone else's code.

I use a Mac and have done so since 1985. I have used DOS, Windows and Linux. For me, the Mac works best. I am not going to flame you if you choose something else. All I can suggest is make an informed decision and periodically consider if you are using the right solution. I do and I still stick with Apple. My stickiness has been enhanced by Mac OS X.

On the eastern fringe of Melbourne, Australia

Photography, cars, classic films, history, reading, environmental issues, alternate energy, the psychology of change "why don't people switch when there is a better way?"

Eats: Vegetables - I am a vegetarian. Why? It make sense to me for health, environmental and moral reasons.

Sleeps: Not nearly enough.

Drinks: Strong coffee, water (probably not enough), alcohol (whisky [ideally single malt from the Scottish Highlands] and wine - usually in moderation).

Editorial policy:
I am learning and as such make some mistakes (typographical and formatting) in posts. I usually correct those within an hour of posting.

I conscientiously fact check and never knowingly post something that is wrong.

I don't flame. I 'play the ball not the man'. I would never post anything about anyone I would not be prepared to say to their face. I expect that my site visitors to do the same.

Inevitably we will have differences of opinion but we're all growns-up and should act as such.

I will correct postings that prove to be incorrect. I will note the changes in the original post by either striking through the changed text and/or appending a note to the end of the entry.